Friday, May 18, 2007

Abu-Jamal Appears at Appeal Hearing

Friday May 18, 2007 - The strange case of ex-political activist/journalist and former Black Panther Mumia Abu-Jamal takes a turn as courts prepare to weigh the validity of his conviction for the 1981 murder of 26 year-old police officer Daniel Faulkner in Philadelphia, PA. reports that Abu-Jamal will get an appeal hearing to determine if his original conviction was valid, or as Abu-Jamal has claimed for years, that his arrest, trial and subsequent conviction were racially and politically motivated.

The facts of this case are complex and it remains to this day, one of the longest and most bizarre and racially-charged trials in US history.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I was just over at Highbrid Nation and they have been doing some interesting coverage of the Mumia case. Like them I also have mixed feeling on the case. I don't to see any man executed but just becuase he should not be executed does that mean that he wasnt wrong. I don't know.