Thursday, July 26, 2012

Willard's 'Disconcerting' Foreign Affairs Blunder

If Mitt Romney thought a well-timed international trip to meet with the leaders of England and Israel would bolster his foreign policy cred and give him a welcome respite from the growing calls to release more than two years of his tax returns, he was sorely disappointed. His klutzy efforts to backtrack from awkward comments questioning the state of London's preparedness for the 2012 Olympics have thrust him into the spotlight of the British media, irked millions of Brits including Prime Minster David Cameron and London Mayor Boris Johnson; and given the world a glimpse of how Romney's simplistic worldview makes him seem detached and out of touch. Back on the home front Willard's sketchy off-shore accounts and evasive statements on his taxes recently drew criticism from not-so Mitt-friendly New Hampshire in a recent Manchester Union Leader op-ed. (Read it) 'Disconcerting' performance for someone trying to sell himself as a presidential candidate.

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