Monday, September 14, 2009

Geraldo Weighs in on Immigration Fear Tactics and More

The Leonard Lopate show had an interesting Monday afternoon conversation/interview with always media-friendly Geraldo Rivera, who's latest focus is illegal immigration.

The Fox News contributor (and discoverer of Al Capone's secret safe...) was on to promote his latest book The Great Progression: How Hispanics Will Lead America to a New Era of Prosperity.

He had some interesting observations on race in America today and the prejudice that underlies much of the extreme anti-immigrant hysteria in America. While there were a number of anti-Geraldo comments posted on the Leonard Lopate Show/ Website, Geraldo actually raised a few interesting points.

I give him credit for being one of the few media personalities to offer commentary on how Obama's race is impacting the political opposition he's facing on health care legislation, mainstream media only seems offer up cursory analysis on the issue.

He also pointed out the fact that the many who are sympathetic to the quasi racist Minute Man militia movement, responsible for a growing number of murders in the US, rally around the need to defend America from a terrorist attack from the Mexican border.

He noted that there have never been terrorist attacks from the Mexican border. But (according to him) there have been more than 20 terrorist associated infiltrations from the Canadian border, so how come Minute Man groups don't seem to be killing Canadians?

Have there been terrorist attacks or incursions from Canada against the US? I'm not saying there haven't been, but I can't recall hearing about them.

Interesting that a man who used the last name Rivers in college changes his name to Rivera and eventually writes a book on Hispanics in America.

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