His blog got a huge number of hits.
He also wrote a fascinating Op-ed in the New York Times showing that Wisconsin actually passed unemployment insurance, worker's compensation and public employee bargaining legislation in the early part of the 20th century with the support of Republicans.
Apparently offended that a scholar would dare to disagree with efforts to further erode America's dwindling middle class, Stephan Thompson, deputy director of the Republican Party of Wisconsin is heading up efforts to subpoena Cronon's personal e-mail correspondence using a freedom of information request.
Now I'm not debating the right of anyone to use freedom of information requests for legitimate reasons.
But Wisconsin Republicans trying to sift through the personal/work correspondence conversations of a history, geography and environmental scholar who is the president of the American Historical Association because he wrote something they didn't agree with?
It reeks of vindictive pettiness and an effort to elude substantive debate on a controversial measure to strip state employees of their bargaining rights.
What's next? A tap on his phone? Attacking a history professor? Really?
What a thuggish, McCarthy-like retaliatory tactic.