LaSalle Parish District Attorney Reed Walters is an experienced local prosecutor who
denies any connection exists between the noose hung from a tree by 3 white high school students and the subsequent beating of white student Justin Barker by a group of six black students known as the Jena 6.
He finally ended his bizarre quest to press 2nd-degree battery charges (reduced down from the original 2nd degree attempted murder and conspiracy charges) against teenager Mychal Bell. Bell was finally released from custody today.
Not wishing to leave any doubt as to why he would try and charge high school teenagers as adults on attempted murder charges for a school fight, Walters left no doubt as to which side of the cultural street he stands on.
In discussing the impact of over last week's march of over 15,000 protesters, Walters asserts that "The Lord Jesus Christ put his influence on those people and they responded accordingly."
Boss Hogg on line one! Yeeee haaaaaa!