Last week Dennis Romero of the LA Times reported about the backlash from a blog posted on the Psychology Today Website by Japanese "Evolutionary Psychologist" Satoshi Kanazawa (pictured left).
In an article entitled, "Why Are Black Women Rated as Less Physically Attractive Than Other Women, But Black Men Are Rated Better Looking Than Other Men?", Kanazawa puts forth the absurd conclusion that Sisters are less attractive based on a survey and his interpretation of black female intelligence and data about body mass index.
Kanazawa's Wikipedia page lists a strange list of controversial sociological theories that have raised eyebrows before; such as his assertion that people in some countries had poor health because they were less intelligent rather than because of poverty.
According to Wikipedia, an evolutionary biologist at the University of Minnesota, P.Z. Meyer, identifies Kanazawa as "the great idiot of social science."
One has to seriously wonder if any of the editors at Psychology Today actually read Kanazawa's piece before they posted it on their Website - and what he's doing as a member of the faculty at the London School of Economics.
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Insane! Trump & Buchanan Move from Proof of Birth to Obama's GPA
Republicans just keep getting crazier.
With President Obama's surprise morning news conference to release his long-form birth certificate to confirm what he and other legal experts have been saying since 2007 (that he was born in America) still reverberating in political circles, the right wing extremists who currently dictate the GOP's agenda and policy direction struck back.
Apparently undaunted by factual proof that the entire basis for the "Birther" movement is in fact, not true, members of the right immediately moved on to questioning the President's qualifications for getting into Columbia and Harvard.
In one of the most overt displays of racism I've ever seen, quasi-Presidential hopeful/media whore Donald Trump along with former-Presidential hopeful Pat Buchanan launched into a bizarre attempt to discredit the President's academic qualifications for getting into college and law school.
Meanwhile Media Matters reports that since March 2nd, Fox News has stoked the irrational flames of the Birther movement by promoting the Birther story an astounding 52 times - 84% of those reports went unchallenged or uncorrected.
At least it's evident to Americans that the 2012 GOP presidential campaign will be about one thing - the President is black.
With President Obama's surprise morning news conference to release his long-form birth certificate to confirm what he and other legal experts have been saying since 2007 (that he was born in America) still reverberating in political circles, the right wing extremists who currently dictate the GOP's agenda and policy direction struck back.
Apparently undaunted by factual proof that the entire basis for the "Birther" movement is in fact, not true, members of the right immediately moved on to questioning the President's qualifications for getting into Columbia and Harvard.
In one of the most overt displays of racism I've ever seen, quasi-Presidential hopeful/media whore Donald Trump along with former-Presidential hopeful Pat Buchanan launched into a bizarre attempt to discredit the President's academic qualifications for getting into college and law school.
Meanwhile Media Matters reports that since March 2nd, Fox News has stoked the irrational flames of the Birther movement by promoting the Birther story an astounding 52 times - 84% of those reports went unchallenged or uncorrected.
At least it's evident to Americans that the 2012 GOP presidential campaign will be about one thing - the President is black.
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Russia's Treatment of Foreigners Seeking Asylum Echoes an Ugly Trend of Hate, Intolerance & Violence
An interesting investigative report by the BBC on the treatment of foreigners seeking asylum in Russia echoes a steady rise in extremism under the oligarchy of Russian Prime minister Vladimir Putin. Check out the 2007 Pod from Current TV on the right.
I visited Russia in the summer of 1987 as part of a high-school trip when it was still the Soviet Union. While Russia had a much stronger "law & order" central government authority back then and I met many, many cool Russian men and women of all ages; I still saw evidence of the kind of blanket racism directed against people of color the report talks about.
A Russian professor I had dinner and conversation with told me that Russian racism against people of color usually stems from resentment rather than the kind of indoctrinated, systematic racism based on ignorance (birthers) and fear one finds in the US.
When the Soviet Union was at the height of it's ideological and Cold War battles against the West in the 60's/70's, they made huge efforts to forge ties with poorer African, South American and Caribbean nations in an effort to extend their sphere of Communist/Socialist influence and gain access to the wealth of minerals, oil, gold/precious metals and crops. One of the results was that the Soviets allowed thousands of Africans to come to the Soviet Union and attend their best universities for free. Many working class Russians were locked into a rigid class system (despite Communist propaganda that touted an equal "worker's state" BS, never existed) that left them shut out of being able to send their kids to the best universities to become engineers, doctors, scientists, lawyers, musicians etc to gain entry to the "privileged class". Only rich and influential Soviets could send their kids to those schools - with rare exceptions (i.e children of high-ranking military officers, gifted athletes etc.)
So when many Russians SAW Africans in their country, they had a "built-in" internalized resentment towards them that was only magnified by the stark difference in skin color, race, language and physical characteristics. They saw these Africans as having access to privileges they themselves couldn't afford, and they hated them for it. It's still happening.
What's sad is Russia is such a rich, beautiful nation with a rich cultural history that stretches across music, literature, science and math. With the collapse of the Soviet Union, you saw the lifting of a heavy blanket of authority that had kept regional conflicts subdued under the proverbial "iron fist". The conflicts in Bosnia, Serbia and Croatia for instance, exploded after the Soviet authorities departed and we all know the horrible ethnic cleansing, murder, torture and violence that resulted from simmering conflicts between religions and peoples that stretch back centuries that were allowed to rage.
Clearly Africans (or African-Americans) Cubans are NOT the only victims of racism within Russia. Nationalist movements and extremist groups that embrace violent Neo-Nazi ideology and fascism (curious given that ACTUAL Nazis murdered tens of MILLIONS of Russians in WWII...yes, racism is THAT ignorant) in recent years have targeted Jews, Muslims, political opponents of Vladimir Putin, journalists, human rights activists, foreigners and other ethnic minorities from various parts of the former-Soviet Union.
What frightens me is how some Russian state authorities quietly tolerate these groups, refuse to persecute them and essentially condone this behavior by doing very little about it. There was an excellent article on the bbc Website yesterday about how Russia treats foreigners seeking political asylum; housing Africans in leaky, cheap, substandard trailers in one of the poorest and most remote regions in Russia; people fleeing violence, civil war or worse for a chance to work and live in peace - worth a look to see how Russian immigration authorities "welcome them".
I visited Russia in the summer of 1987 as part of a high-school trip when it was still the Soviet Union. While Russia had a much stronger "law & order" central government authority back then and I met many, many cool Russian men and women of all ages; I still saw evidence of the kind of blanket racism directed against people of color the report talks about.
A Russian professor I had dinner and conversation with told me that Russian racism against people of color usually stems from resentment rather than the kind of indoctrinated, systematic racism based on ignorance (birthers) and fear one finds in the US.
When the Soviet Union was at the height of it's ideological and Cold War battles against the West in the 60's/70's, they made huge efforts to forge ties with poorer African, South American and Caribbean nations in an effort to extend their sphere of Communist/Socialist influence and gain access to the wealth of minerals, oil, gold/precious metals and crops. One of the results was that the Soviets allowed thousands of Africans to come to the Soviet Union and attend their best universities for free. Many working class Russians were locked into a rigid class system (despite Communist propaganda that touted an equal "worker's state" BS, never existed) that left them shut out of being able to send their kids to the best universities to become engineers, doctors, scientists, lawyers, musicians etc to gain entry to the "privileged class". Only rich and influential Soviets could send their kids to those schools - with rare exceptions (i.e children of high-ranking military officers, gifted athletes etc.)
So when many Russians SAW Africans in their country, they had a "built-in" internalized resentment towards them that was only magnified by the stark difference in skin color, race, language and physical characteristics. They saw these Africans as having access to privileges they themselves couldn't afford, and they hated them for it. It's still happening.
What's sad is Russia is such a rich, beautiful nation with a rich cultural history that stretches across music, literature, science and math. With the collapse of the Soviet Union, you saw the lifting of a heavy blanket of authority that had kept regional conflicts subdued under the proverbial "iron fist". The conflicts in Bosnia, Serbia and Croatia for instance, exploded after the Soviet authorities departed and we all know the horrible ethnic cleansing, murder, torture and violence that resulted from simmering conflicts between religions and peoples that stretch back centuries that were allowed to rage.
Clearly Africans (or African-Americans) Cubans are NOT the only victims of racism within Russia. Nationalist movements and extremist groups that embrace violent Neo-Nazi ideology and fascism (curious given that ACTUAL Nazis murdered tens of MILLIONS of Russians in WWII...yes, racism is THAT ignorant) in recent years have targeted Jews, Muslims, political opponents of Vladimir Putin, journalists, human rights activists, foreigners and other ethnic minorities from various parts of the former-Soviet Union.
What frightens me is how some Russian state authorities quietly tolerate these groups, refuse to persecute them and essentially condone this behavior by doing very little about it. There was an excellent article on the bbc Website yesterday about how Russia treats foreigners seeking political asylum; housing Africans in leaky, cheap, substandard trailers in one of the poorest and most remote regions in Russia; people fleeing violence, civil war or worse for a chance to work and live in peace - worth a look to see how Russian immigration authorities "welcome them".
Monday, April 18, 2011
Outrage Over Orange County GOP Member Marilyn Davenport's Racist E-mail
Orange County, California may be known as "Reagan Country" for it's large conservative voting base but give OC Weekly journalist R. Scott Moxley credit for calling out the GOP's growing tolerance of overtly racist ideology within it's leadership ranks.
A recent e-mail sent by Republican Party central committee member (and Tea Party activist) Marilyn Davenport has outraged even GOP members from her own party who have called for her to resign. The image (pictured left) is basically a photo-shopped image of the President's face on a baby chimp that suggests his parents were Apes - the image was accompanied by the words "Now You Know Why No Birth Certificate."
Davenport's callous use of the image and her stubborn denial to even acknowledge that it is in fact, racist shows just how ingrained the dehumanizing, warped image is in the global sub-conscious.
Depicting peoples of African descent as apes, gorillas or monkeys actually predates the United States and goes back to the earliest European encounters with Africans in the 16th and 17th century. In drawings and writings, European explorers and "scientists" first promoted the "Negro-Ape metaphor" to explain away differences in skin tone, facial characteristics and hairstyle and soon thereafter, justify the enslavement of Africans and their forced entry into the global financial juggernaut that was the slave trade.
A long line of people, from French philosophers, to Popes, to scholars have entwined bogus scientific theories with warped images of blacks to present them as sub-human savages and justify pseudo-scientific theories of racial superiority.
So people like Marilyn Davenport, who use these images, do so for a very simple reason; to promote centuries-old stereotypes of peoples of African descent as savage animals, devoid of Judeo-Christian values and justify an extremist ideology that treats non-whites (including the President of the United States) as less-than-human. Can you imagine the GOP e-mails that we DON'T see?
A recent e-mail sent by Republican Party central committee member (and Tea Party activist) Marilyn Davenport has outraged even GOP members from her own party who have called for her to resign. The image (pictured left) is basically a photo-shopped image of the President's face on a baby chimp that suggests his parents were Apes - the image was accompanied by the words "Now You Know Why No Birth Certificate."
Davenport's callous use of the image and her stubborn denial to even acknowledge that it is in fact, racist shows just how ingrained the dehumanizing, warped image is in the global sub-conscious.
Depicting peoples of African descent as apes, gorillas or monkeys actually predates the United States and goes back to the earliest European encounters with Africans in the 16th and 17th century. In drawings and writings, European explorers and "scientists" first promoted the "Negro-Ape metaphor" to explain away differences in skin tone, facial characteristics and hairstyle and soon thereafter, justify the enslavement of Africans and their forced entry into the global financial juggernaut that was the slave trade.
A long line of people, from French philosophers, to Popes, to scholars have entwined bogus scientific theories with warped images of blacks to present them as sub-human savages and justify pseudo-scientific theories of racial superiority.
So people like Marilyn Davenport, who use these images, do so for a very simple reason; to promote centuries-old stereotypes of peoples of African descent as savage animals, devoid of Judeo-Christian values and justify an extremist ideology that treats non-whites (including the President of the United States) as less-than-human. Can you imagine the GOP e-mails that we DON'T see?
Thursday, April 07, 2011
Beck is Out - Roger Ailes' GOP Spin Network Cuts Ties With Delusional Television Host Glen Beck
Fact-challenged Fox News host Glen Beck tried to play off his being booted from his daily TV slot, but the reality is that his lies, distortion of truth and fear-mongering have negatively affected the Fox News brand, which is desperate to re-connect with the main-stream American audience that will ultimately decide who will win the White House in 2012.
As the 2012 Presidential race begins to take shape, clear signs are emerging that the GOP is going all-out to distance itself from the extremist radical fringe element that has dominated the party's agenda in the past few years.
A recent NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll shows Americans are over perpetual- Presidential candidate Sarah Palin's empty, right-wing soundbite politics and ceaseless wavering over whether she'll actually step into the ring as she criss-crosses the nation racking up speaker fees.
Palin is now tied with former President George W. Bush with a 25% approval rating; that's just one point above Richard M. Nixon according to the Website; a fact that only confirms whisperings in Washington that the GOP was quietly working to move the former vice-president candidate and her baggage out of consideration for the Republican Presidential nominee slot.
Hoping to capitalize on these setbacks for the Tea Party, Donald Trump has stepped forward to flog the dead horse of Obama's citizenship issue with a string of TV appearances apparently aimed at the fraction of Americans who think the President is not an American citizen.
While the short term gains from such a blatant media stunt might temporarily nudge The Donald's approval ratings above Mike Huckabee's, no serious candidate is going to win the White House stoking Birther's bizarre theories - and ultimately, it's just going to drain away support from the more main-stream Republican candidates who actually might have a chance to score with mainstream American voters - the majority of whom view the GOP as obstructionist and disapprove of their attempts to force a shut-down of the entire government over their ideological budget cuts.
The GOP has a ways to go before it get it's own House in order - but pushing Palin back to the fringe where she belongs and severing it's brand with Glen Beck's strange conspiracy theory nonsense is a decent start.
As the 2012 Presidential race begins to take shape, clear signs are emerging that the GOP is going all-out to distance itself from the extremist radical fringe element that has dominated the party's agenda in the past few years.
A recent NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll shows Americans are over perpetual- Presidential candidate Sarah Palin's empty, right-wing soundbite politics and ceaseless wavering over whether she'll actually step into the ring as she criss-crosses the nation racking up speaker fees.
Palin is now tied with former President George W. Bush with a 25% approval rating; that's just one point above Richard M. Nixon according to the Website; a fact that only confirms whisperings in Washington that the GOP was quietly working to move the former vice-president candidate and her baggage out of consideration for the Republican Presidential nominee slot.
Hoping to capitalize on these setbacks for the Tea Party, Donald Trump has stepped forward to flog the dead horse of Obama's citizenship issue with a string of TV appearances apparently aimed at the fraction of Americans who think the President is not an American citizen.
While the short term gains from such a blatant media stunt might temporarily nudge The Donald's approval ratings above Mike Huckabee's, no serious candidate is going to win the White House stoking Birther's bizarre theories - and ultimately, it's just going to drain away support from the more main-stream Republican candidates who actually might have a chance to score with mainstream American voters - the majority of whom view the GOP as obstructionist and disapprove of their attempts to force a shut-down of the entire government over their ideological budget cuts.
The GOP has a ways to go before it get it's own House in order - but pushing Palin back to the fringe where she belongs and severing it's brand with Glen Beck's strange conspiracy theory nonsense is a decent start.
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Welcome to 1984! Wisconsin Republicans Demand Access to Professor Cronon's E-mails
A March 15th blog post about the shadowy American Legislative Exchange Council by University of Wisconsin-Madison professor William Cronon (pictured left) laid out the truth about the American Legislative Exchange Council.
His blog got a huge number of hits.
He also wrote a fascinating Op-ed in the New York Times showing that Wisconsin actually passed unemployment insurance, worker's compensation and public employee bargaining legislation in the early part of the 20th century with the support of Republicans.
Apparently offended that a scholar would dare to disagree with efforts to further erode America's dwindling middle class, Stephan Thompson, deputy director of the Republican Party of Wisconsin is heading up efforts to subpoena Cronon's personal e-mail correspondence using a freedom of information request.
Now I'm not debating the right of anyone to use freedom of information requests for legitimate reasons.
But Wisconsin Republicans trying to sift through the personal/work correspondence conversations of a history, geography and environmental scholar who is the president of the American Historical Association because he wrote something they didn't agree with?
It reeks of vindictive pettiness and an effort to elude substantive debate on a controversial measure to strip state employees of their bargaining rights.
What's next? A tap on his phone? Attacking a history professor? Really?
What a thuggish, McCarthy-like retaliatory tactic.
His blog got a huge number of hits.
He also wrote a fascinating Op-ed in the New York Times showing that Wisconsin actually passed unemployment insurance, worker's compensation and public employee bargaining legislation in the early part of the 20th century with the support of Republicans.
Apparently offended that a scholar would dare to disagree with efforts to further erode America's dwindling middle class, Stephan Thompson, deputy director of the Republican Party of Wisconsin is heading up efforts to subpoena Cronon's personal e-mail correspondence using a freedom of information request.
Now I'm not debating the right of anyone to use freedom of information requests for legitimate reasons.
But Wisconsin Republicans trying to sift through the personal/work correspondence conversations of a history, geography and environmental scholar who is the president of the American Historical Association because he wrote something they didn't agree with?
It reeks of vindictive pettiness and an effort to elude substantive debate on a controversial measure to strip state employees of their bargaining rights.
What's next? A tap on his phone? Attacking a history professor? Really?
What a thuggish, McCarthy-like retaliatory tactic.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
The Ghost of Diallo Haunts Miami - Chief Miguel Exposito Under Fire in the Wake of Travis McNeil's Shooting
Add 28 year-old Travis McNeil of Miami, Florida to the list.
What was his crime? He was unarmed and sitting in a parked rental car when he was shot in the chest.
When will it end and where's the oversight?
It's been more than ten years since Amadou Diallo (pictured left), an innocent civilian from West Africa who spoke five languages and was armed only with his wallet, keys and beeper was shot more than 19 times by four over-zealous white New York Police officers from the NYPD's "elite" Street Crimes Unit while standing in the vestibule of his own apartment on a cold February night.
An autopsy later showed 15 of the 41 bullets fired entered Diallo's back and sides; one shot even hit the bottom of his foot.
As an African-American male living in Manhattan at the time I vividly recall the sickening sense of fear, revulsion and anxiety all New Yorkers, and indeed, people around the globe of races, religions and backgrounds felt in the wake of one of the worst incidents of excessive police force ever recorded in the United States.
I was instantly reminded of the incident when I read the March 22nd New York Times article by Don Van Natta, jr. profiling a string of 7 killings of unarmed black American citizens in the past 8 months by the Miami police department.
The disturbing cultural similarities between the hyper-aggressive "elite" police units are disturbing. The NYPD's Street Crimes Unit motto "We Own the Night" befitted a rogue police unit with an abstract mission and little organizational oversight that patrolled any of the five boroughs. Their members were known to wear custom t-shirts emblazoned with the famous Ernest Hemingway quote:
"There is no hunting like the hunting of man, and those who have hunted armed men long enough and liked it, never care for anything else thereafter."
Who actually shot Travis McNeil?
According to Don Van Natta's New York Times piece Detective Reinaldo Goyo, a member of Miami's gang unit who appeared in a controversial reality television series called "Miami's Finest SOS" wearing a hoodie with the word 'Punisher' on the front.
Another member of the gang unit, Officer Ricardo Martinez, killed two different men within 9 days in August, 2010. And so it continues. And continues. And continues.
What was his crime? He was unarmed and sitting in a parked rental car when he was shot in the chest.
When will it end and where's the oversight?
It's been more than ten years since Amadou Diallo (pictured left), an innocent civilian from West Africa who spoke five languages and was armed only with his wallet, keys and beeper was shot more than 19 times by four over-zealous white New York Police officers from the NYPD's "elite" Street Crimes Unit while standing in the vestibule of his own apartment on a cold February night.
An autopsy later showed 15 of the 41 bullets fired entered Diallo's back and sides; one shot even hit the bottom of his foot.
As an African-American male living in Manhattan at the time I vividly recall the sickening sense of fear, revulsion and anxiety all New Yorkers, and indeed, people around the globe of races, religions and backgrounds felt in the wake of one of the worst incidents of excessive police force ever recorded in the United States.
I was instantly reminded of the incident when I read the March 22nd New York Times article by Don Van Natta, jr. profiling a string of 7 killings of unarmed black American citizens in the past 8 months by the Miami police department.
The disturbing cultural similarities between the hyper-aggressive "elite" police units are disturbing. The NYPD's Street Crimes Unit motto "We Own the Night" befitted a rogue police unit with an abstract mission and little organizational oversight that patrolled any of the five boroughs. Their members were known to wear custom t-shirts emblazoned with the famous Ernest Hemingway quote:
"There is no hunting like the hunting of man, and those who have hunted armed men long enough and liked it, never care for anything else thereafter."
Who actually shot Travis McNeil?
According to Don Van Natta's New York Times piece Detective Reinaldo Goyo, a member of Miami's gang unit who appeared in a controversial reality television series called "Miami's Finest SOS" wearing a hoodie with the word 'Punisher' on the front.
Another member of the gang unit, Officer Ricardo Martinez, killed two different men within 9 days in August, 2010. And so it continues. And continues. And continues.
Monday, March 21, 2011
US Bank's Contempt for Consumers
“Why are the most risky loan products sold to the least sophisticated borrowers? The question answers itself — the least sophisticated borrowers are probably duped into taking these products.”
A 2007 quote from former Federal Reserve member Edward Gramlich, as quoted in Paul Krugman's latest op-ed piece in the New York Times, and it pretty much sums up a question that millions of American consumers would like to ask their banks.
I'd sure like to ask Bank of America. Here's a behemoth that defines "too big to fail". BOA got $20 billion in taxpayer funds from TARP then a guarantee of $118 billion to cover the assets of the questionable acquisition of Merrill Lynch
Yet they've fattened their own wallets by feasting on the checking accounts of it's own customers (including the blogger) using bogus charges and inflated penalties. They've used bad math, intentionally slow processing of foreclosure documents and chop shop law firms to boot people from their homes.
And how does Bank of America treat it's "least sophisticated borrowers" (see minorities) and those most subject to it's exorbitant overdraft fees?
I took the picture above with my Blackberry at the Bank of America located just off the intersection of Pico blvd and San Vincente blvd in LA last Thursday night about 8:30pm
The bank is surrounded by moderate to lower income rental apartment units, but there's a good size shopping center with a CVS, Ralph's, hardware store and a police station right there. But at night, if you try and withdraw cash - the machines "mysteriously" don't work.
Instead of dispensing cash - you get a screen like the one above stating that the machine is out of order, "please visit one of our other ATM's nearby". Nearby meaning a machine in an area with less African-American and Hispanic consumers?
Funny, as Paul Krugman observes in his latest column, Republicans seem determined to prevent the Federal government from granting it's own citizens from having even basic measures and protections in place to prevent large banks from praying on them. WTF?
A 2007 quote from former Federal Reserve member Edward Gramlich, as quoted in Paul Krugman's latest op-ed piece in the New York Times, and it pretty much sums up a question that millions of American consumers would like to ask their banks.
I'd sure like to ask Bank of America. Here's a behemoth that defines "too big to fail". BOA got $20 billion in taxpayer funds from TARP then a guarantee of $118 billion to cover the assets of the questionable acquisition of Merrill Lynch
Yet they've fattened their own wallets by feasting on the checking accounts of it's own customers (including the blogger) using bogus charges and inflated penalties. They've used bad math, intentionally slow processing of foreclosure documents and chop shop law firms to boot people from their homes.
And how does Bank of America treat it's "least sophisticated borrowers" (see minorities) and those most subject to it's exorbitant overdraft fees?
I took the picture above with my Blackberry at the Bank of America located just off the intersection of Pico blvd and San Vincente blvd in LA last Thursday night about 8:30pm
The bank is surrounded by moderate to lower income rental apartment units, but there's a good size shopping center with a CVS, Ralph's, hardware store and a police station right there. But at night, if you try and withdraw cash - the machines "mysteriously" don't work.
Instead of dispensing cash - you get a screen like the one above stating that the machine is out of order, "please visit one of our other ATM's nearby". Nearby meaning a machine in an area with less African-American and Hispanic consumers?
Funny, as Paul Krugman observes in his latest column, Republicans seem determined to prevent the Federal government from granting it's own citizens from having even basic measures and protections in place to prevent large banks from praying on them. WTF?
Saturday, March 19, 2011
Are Republican State Legislators Taking Marching Orders from A.L.E.C?
If Republicans using their new-found majority-status in state legislatures around the US to broaden efforts to suppress voter rights, strip unions of their collective bargaining rights and cast public sector workers as the villains of economic recovery concerns you, then you should become familiar with the American Legislative Exchange Council.
University of Wisconsin-Madison professor William Cronon offers searing insight into the shadowy activist group and their not-so-behind-the-scenes influence on the recent string of conservative legislative efforts around the country in a must-read blog posted on March 15th.
The A.L.E.C was co-founded in 1973 by conservative icon Paul Weyrich, (pictured above) who used money from the Coors family to launch the Heritage Foundation and coined the term "Moral Majority". Though he died in 2008, his legacy is still being felt around the nation.
Case in point: 2010 efforts by Arizona Republican lawmaker's to pass a series of draconian anti-immigration laws thrust Governor Jan Brewer and the state's conservative legislature into the media spotlight last year. Based on the state's legacy, as in former Governor Evan Mecham canceling Arizona's observance of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s birthday as a Federal holiday in 1986 (famously telling critics, "King doesn't deserve a holiday.") like many Americans, I simply assumed the efforts to marginalize illegal immigrants were driven by Arizona's conservative voter base.
According to Cronon''s blog however, the 2010 anti-immigration laws were actually drafted by the A.L.E.C. Which is funny given Republican's tendency to announce their initiatives as "the will of the American people." It's not.
In the March 18th New York Times, Richard A. Oppel reports that a consortium of Arizona business leaders led opposition resulting in five anti-immigration measures in the Arizona State Senate being rejected in the wake of the nationwide backlash against Arizona (thanks to Governor Brewer and State Senate President Russel Pearce) severely impacting revenue from tourism, state contracts and tax revenue.
Seeking to limit the power and scope of the Federal government is one thing; shifting that power to state legislatures who offer up laws drafted by a right-wing organization that envisions America as an Evangelist theocracy is something else entirely.
University of Wisconsin-Madison professor William Cronon offers searing insight into the shadowy activist group and their not-so-behind-the-scenes influence on the recent string of conservative legislative efforts around the country in a must-read blog posted on March 15th.
The A.L.E.C was co-founded in 1973 by conservative icon Paul Weyrich, (pictured above) who used money from the Coors family to launch the Heritage Foundation and coined the term "Moral Majority". Though he died in 2008, his legacy is still being felt around the nation.
Case in point: 2010 efforts by Arizona Republican lawmaker's to pass a series of draconian anti-immigration laws thrust Governor Jan Brewer and the state's conservative legislature into the media spotlight last year. Based on the state's legacy, as in former Governor Evan Mecham canceling Arizona's observance of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s birthday as a Federal holiday in 1986 (famously telling critics, "King doesn't deserve a holiday.") like many Americans, I simply assumed the efforts to marginalize illegal immigrants were driven by Arizona's conservative voter base.
According to Cronon''s blog however, the 2010 anti-immigration laws were actually drafted by the A.L.E.C. Which is funny given Republican's tendency to announce their initiatives as "the will of the American people." It's not.
In the March 18th New York Times, Richard A. Oppel reports that a consortium of Arizona business leaders led opposition resulting in five anti-immigration measures in the Arizona State Senate being rejected in the wake of the nationwide backlash against Arizona (thanks to Governor Brewer and State Senate President Russel Pearce) severely impacting revenue from tourism, state contracts and tax revenue.
Seeking to limit the power and scope of the Federal government is one thing; shifting that power to state legislatures who offer up laws drafted by a right-wing organization that envisions America as an Evangelist theocracy is something else entirely.
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
UCLA Student's Racist Rant Goes Viral
As UCLA political science major Alexandra Wallace learned very quickly, celebrity can be a dangerous thing.
Like fire it can burn you, has an insatiable appetite and can spread REALLY fast.
Wallace, (pictured left) has quickly rocketed to international fame capped by various Facebook pages calling for her expulsion, different Youtube responses mocking her and even a New York Times article.
In the course of a 3-minute rant posted on Youtube, she manages to complain about Asian students in the UCLA library talking too loudly on their cellphones, make fun of Asian accents, bitch about Asian family members (gasp!) visiting their kids on campus on the weekends and permanently brand herself as a conceited, narrow-minded racist.
If the apparently buxom blonde was seeking fame, she's certainly found it. After receiving death threats "Allie" took her offensive op-ed piece down but it's been re-posted all over the Internet.
My favorite line? Wallace describing herself as the "polite nice girl my mom raised me to be." Great job mom!
Like fire it can burn you, has an insatiable appetite and can spread REALLY fast.
Wallace, (pictured left) has quickly rocketed to international fame capped by various Facebook pages calling for her expulsion, different Youtube responses mocking her and even a New York Times article.
In the course of a 3-minute rant posted on Youtube, she manages to complain about Asian students in the UCLA library talking too loudly on their cellphones, make fun of Asian accents, bitch about Asian family members (gasp!) visiting their kids on campus on the weekends and permanently brand herself as a conceited, narrow-minded racist.
If the apparently buxom blonde was seeking fame, she's certainly found it. After receiving death threats "Allie" took her offensive op-ed piece down but it's been re-posted all over the Internet.
My favorite line? Wallace describing herself as the "polite nice girl my mom raised me to be." Great job mom!
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Tea Party Reality Check: Bill Clinton Dismisses Michelle Bachmann in Davos
It had the potential to be a big "national stage" moment for the Tea Party.
But instead Minnesota Representative Michele Bachmann (pictured left) one of the far right's heaviest hitters, came off looking reactionary, uninformed and tediously combative - and according to the Time's Deal Book, Bill Clinton coolly sat down for an interview on the 2nd day of the World Economic Forum and called her out for boldly suggesting "Every American knows we have the greatest health care system in the world."
Actually, we don't. According to the World Health Organization US health care ranks 37th out of 191 countries; just behind Costa Rica. Bizarre gaffes are nothing new for the quotable Bachmann, lists of her jaw-dropping observations are legion online.
Using Bachmann's fact-challenged assumption, Clinton delivered a back-hand to the Tea Party in front of reps from the world's leading nations:
“Everyone knows that is factually untrue,” said Mr. Clinton, “We have to stop conducting our politics in a parallel universe divorced from reality with no facts,”
With the Tea Party Senate Caucus struggling to get more than 4 members in it's ranks and 30 out of 435 in the House, the party is over and it's time to get down to business. Time will quickly tell if the party the Koch Brothers money built can muster the ability to talk straight to the American people and get along on the Hill.
But instead Minnesota Representative Michele Bachmann (pictured left) one of the far right's heaviest hitters, came off looking reactionary, uninformed and tediously combative - and according to the Time's Deal Book, Bill Clinton coolly sat down for an interview on the 2nd day of the World Economic Forum and called her out for boldly suggesting "Every American knows we have the greatest health care system in the world."
Actually, we don't. According to the World Health Organization US health care ranks 37th out of 191 countries; just behind Costa Rica. Bizarre gaffes are nothing new for the quotable Bachmann, lists of her jaw-dropping observations are legion online.
Using Bachmann's fact-challenged assumption, Clinton delivered a back-hand to the Tea Party in front of reps from the world's leading nations:
“Everyone knows that is factually untrue,” said Mr. Clinton, “We have to stop conducting our politics in a parallel universe divorced from reality with no facts,”
With the Tea Party Senate Caucus struggling to get more than 4 members in it's ranks and 30 out of 435 in the House, the party is over and it's time to get down to business. Time will quickly tell if the party the Koch Brothers money built can muster the ability to talk straight to the American people and get along on the Hill.
Monday, January 24, 2011
Has Putin's Tolerance of Intolerance Come Home to Roost?
Pictured left, the funeral of Russian journalist Anastasiya Baburova, 25 slain by neo-Nazis in 2009 - pictured below
Last Monday, in a demand for a nationwide crackdown on extremist hate group activity in Russia (amidst the worst racial unrest since the fall of the Soviet Union) Russian President Dimitri Medvedev declared publicly that, "All Nazis, independent of where they come from... they simply undermine the cultural foundations of our state."
Seven days later Medvedev canceled his trip to Davos, Switzerland amid global shock and outrage in the wake of the apparent suicide bombing in Moscow's Domodedevo Airport that killed more than 30 and injured scores of others - raising serious questions of where the government of Vladimir Putin actually stands on the growing violent hate group activity within Russian borders that target ethnic and religious minorities, immigrants as well as Russian scholars, human rights activists and journalists.
Journalists like Anastasiya Baburova, (pictured above) a 25-year old writer for Russian magazine Novaya Gazeta killed in broad daylight less than a a mile from the Kremlin; her work focused in part on exposing Russian neo-Nazis. She was one of 14 people killed in January, 2009 a month before BTO, (a Russian neo-Nazi group) posted a "Death List" on the Internet with the names of dozens of Russian journalists, human rights activists and scholars.
For many of the millions of ordinary Russians shocked at the spike in neo-Nazi activity, the Putin government's alleged acceptance and tacit support for violent ultra-nationalist groups raises the question of whether a tolerance for extremist violence has in fact helped to create the very environment that led to today's bombing.
You can't feed the 800-pound chicken, turn your head when it violates the law using intimidation and violence, then act baffled when it comes home to roost - a lesson tiresome, fear-mongering 'Exceptional American' Sarah Palin still pretends not to have learned.
Does the term "Russian Neo Nazi" strike anyone as absurd given the (real) Nazis were directly or indirectly responsible for over 23,954,000 people killed within the borders of the Soviet Union during World War II?
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