Sunday, September 30, 2007

Equal Opportunity Abuse of Civilians By Members of the Chicago PD

English teacher Robin Petrovic went out dancing at a nightclub but got danced on by a pissed off member of Chicago's finest after getting into an altercation with a bouncer.

The Petrovic incident joins the 1968 Democratic National Convention, the 1969 deaths of Black Panther members Roger Hampton and Mark Clark and the videotaped February, 2007 beating of Karolina Obryka as a long list of thousands of cases of brutality by the CPD.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Mixed Race Lancashire England Police Officer Cleared of Criminal charges After Mistakenly Claiming 90 Pounds of Expenses for Gasoline

In an investigation that cost 500,000 pounds to prosecute, 37 year-old Detective Constable Jason Lobo was cleared of criminal charges related to department accusations that he falsely claimed 86.50 (UK Pounds) for gasoline.

DA Reconsiders Decision to Try Jen 6 Juvenile After 15,000 Black People Stroll Through Town

LaSalle Parish District Attorney Reed Walters is an experienced local prosecutor who denies any connection exists between the noose hung from a tree by 3 white high school students and the subsequent beating of white student Justin Barker by a group of six black students known as the Jena 6.

He finally ended his bizarre quest to press 2nd-degree battery charges (reduced down from the original 2nd degree attempted murder and conspiracy charges) against teenager Mychal Bell. Bell was finally released from custody today.

Not wishing to leave any doubt as to why he would try and charge high school teenagers as adults on attempted murder charges for a school fight, Walters left no doubt as to which side of the cultural street he stands on.

In discussing the impact of over last week's march of over 15,000 protesters, Walters asserts that "The Lord Jesus Christ put his influence on those people and they responded accordingly."

Boss Hogg on line one! Yeeee haaaaaa!

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Bill O'Reilly Shocked to Discover Civilized Black People inside Landmark New York Restaurant

In one of his most bizarre verbal tirades to date Fox anchor Bill O'Reilly inexplicably chose Sylvia's Restaurant in Harlem to convince the American public of the depths of his deep-seated cultural insensitivity and smug stupidity.

As NPR's Juan Williams and a crowd of mostly African-American diners looked on in horror, O'Reilly ranted and babbled in an apparent attempt to prove that he's really just an ignorant bigot with a television show.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Mandela Alive Despite Bush's Lack of Insight on African Affairs

On the eve of the gathering of world leaders, government representatives and officials from around the globe at the UN General Assembly in New York, George W. Bush demonstrates publicly that he has a tenuous grip at best on African affairs.

Even his closest advisers and senior GOP members of the house and senate must be wondering how it is possible that the man who sits in the Oval Office has the audacity lack of mental foresight to use a posthumous reference to man who sacrificed his life for the cause of freedom and human rights, to defend his failed Iraq strategy.

It's just the latest embarrassing mental flatulence by the President but given the timing and media spotlight on world affairs this week, it's a whopper.


Friday, September 21, 2007

Thousands Rally in Support of the Jena 6

In one of the largest shows of support for civil rights in recent memory, thousands of protesters packed the streets of a tiny Louisiana town that has been thrust into the media spotlight.

The fact that white students placed nooses in the now infamous "Tree" is shocking as is the unstated "Whites-only" rule about hanging out under the tree. Is this really 2007? The facts are confusing but clearly illustrate the deeper underlying roots of racism, prejudice and bigotry that still exist in the south.

Some are saying the Jena 6, the name given to the group of black HS students who were charged in the beating of a white student, is a wake up call to action for the next evolution of the civil rights movement.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

6 Accused of Torturing 20 Year Old Woman in West Virginia

A report details a disturbing case from West Virginia in which a 20-year old African-American woman was kidnapped, tortured, subjected to a stomach-churning variety of degrading acts and sexually assaulted for over a week.

Two mothers and their children were among the six white people arrested by police for the crime. What's going on in the minds of these suspects? What demented psychology produces such deep-seated hatred? How could mothers participate as their children dehumanize a 20-year old woman?